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Deep Analysis Of The Conditions That Plants Need To Grow -- Sunlight, Temperature, Moisture, Media

Writer:Jane Time:2018-06-28 Browse:88

Before we know how plants are to be grown, we must first know the most necessary conditions for their growth. Of course, sunshine, air, water is indispensable, but how much sunshine, how much moisture, this needs your attention.

Go outside and learn about where plants grow

What plants need most is sunlight. In addition to sunshine, but also need air, temperature and humidity, moisture and other multiple conditions, in order to grow healthily. For beginners who want to learn gardening, it is a good idea to go outside and observe the plants before going to the flower market. It is strange that these plants grow so well without being taken care of. In fact, as long as the environmental conditions are good, it is easy for plants to grow healthily.

Observe which plants are all in the sun? Which are in the shade? When do the plants by the wall get the sun? You can find out more about how the same plant is growing in different places, so you have a better idea of what conditions the plant needs to grow.

Sunlight: is the most important key to plant growth, so the amount of light you have determines what kind of flowers are suitable for your home environment.

Temperature: plants have their own suitable temperature for growth. Most of the common plants in the home are tropical plants. Special attention should be paid to the cold current.

Moisture: some plants are drought-tolerant, some like adequate water, must be adjusted according to plant habits.

Medium: is the medium of plant growth, choose the appropriate medium will make the plant more relaxed.
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There are three levels of light intensity
The intensity and duration of light required by various plants are different, so light conditions are generally divided into three types according to the requirements of the plant, namely full sunshine, half sunshine and shade tolerance, which are often found in garden books.

Although plants are best placed under suitable light conditions, in fact, some plants can grow in different sunshine conditions, but they may produce cattle grow faster or slower, bloom or not, leaf color and leaf shape are different.

Full sunshine
Refers to the direct sunlight to the plant every day for more than 6 hours, simply means that it is best to be exposed to the sun all day. Do not have shading place outdoors commonly, or do not have south to the balcony, have the condition that bolt illuminates completely.

Suitable for the plants
Plants that require full sunlight. Also called positive plants. Most flowering plants, fruit trees, and herb plants, aquatic plants, vines,

Succulents and other plants require full sun exposure.

Half sunshine
The so-called half sunshine refers to the sunshine light filter - half intensity, not to the light time to evaluate. The location is shaded outdoor areas such as under trees, north or east facing balconies, or shaded south facing windowsills, where the sunlight is mild.

Suitable for the plants
Many indoor flowering plants, such as the African pansy, and most foliage plants are well suited to semi-sunny conditions. Some flowering plants can also be grown,

Just the color may not be bright, less flowers.

Shade tolerance
That is, there is no direct light, but it does not mean that there can be no light, but there must still be enough light, about in the room near the window, there can be scattered sunshine. Artificial lighting can also be used to supplement

The light.
Suitable for the plant
Not suitable for flowering plants in principle. But leaf-watching plants, which have little need for sunlight, can grow in a shade-tolerant environment.

The air
Plants also breathe, and when they are photosynthesizing, they need air. Air is present all the time, outdoors and in the office, but the conditions are different. So the condition of air we can think of as the degree of air circulation.

Most plants need a well-ventilated environment. How to judge whether the ventilation is good, in fact, rely on their own feelings on the line, compared with the air conditioning in the office, whether you feel more comfortable outdoors.

In the case of good ventilation, plants can grow more smoothly, and is not easy to produce pests and diseases. However, too much wind can also be harmful to plants. For example, the strong wind near a tall building, or the exit of a fan or air conditioner, is not a good ventilated place.

Temperature, humidity
Plants have their suitable temperature for growth, and will adjust to the temperature. Generally speaking, the suitable temperature of plants is determined by the different growth environment. Some plants like high temperature, while others can tolerate low temperature. However, there are still too high and too low temperatures in summer and winter, which may lead to heat exhaustion of temperate plants, while tropical plants cannot bear the cold in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the temperature according to the needs of plants.

In addition, different plants have different dry and wet requirements. Plants that come from tropical rainforests prefer humid conditions, as opposed to those that come from deserts, where conditions are drier. So in the drier or wetter seasons, also pay attention to whether the plants are well adapted.



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